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Thanks for producing such a good web site. I was reading the cosmetic horror stories and was particularly interested in the two stories about veneers turning orange or yellowing. We had this problem a few years ago when we were using the original 3M material…dentists veneer bonding agent. What was happening was the resin was reacting with the bonding agent creating a setting reaction… this caused a change in color mainly turning orange. I was using Bisco’s bonding agent with 3M resin and apparently they were not compatible. The discoloration took between 6 months to 2 years. The problem was eventually tracked to a problem with the 3M material… 3M knew about the problem, never let any dentists know except to change their product insert! They changed the formulation and the name to solve the problem. Unfortunately, I was on the hook for about 6 veneer cases that I had to re-do at my own cost. (3M gave me some free material…whoop de do.)

Keep up the good work.

Brian Saby

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