Delmar's Dental Assisting Exam Review
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Melissa Thibodeaux, CDA, RDA, BS Delmar's Dental Assisting Exam Review is a
comprehensive guide to prepare candidates to successfully pass the Dental
Assisting National Board (DANB) examination. Its content is arranged in an
outline format that is informative and easy to follow. Review questions at
the end of each chapter test knowledge and retention of the material
presented. A comprehensive practice exam familiarizes readers with the
testing experience. Appendices contain abbreviations used in dentistry,
study resources for the DANB exam, pathways leading to qualification for the
DANB exam, additional certification offered by DANB, and internet access for
information related to dentistry. Features Review questions and practice
exam mimic the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) examination process.
Answers and rationales are provided for all review questions. Appendices,
glossary, and art throughout the text aid in understanding of material.
Study techniques and test-taking tips are included.