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Dental Assisting Test Preparation (Brady/Prentice Hall Test Prep Series)

Table of Contents
1. Chairside Assisting.
2. Dental Materials and Dental Laboratory Procedures.
3. Dental Radiology.
4. Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office.
5. Occupational Safety.
6. Dental Education and Oral Physiotherapy.
7. Dental Office Management.
8. Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment Planning.

Customer Review:
An excellent study guide, July 29, 2000
  Reviewer: jennifer ford from Dresden, Oh usa

I recently had to study for the Radiation Health and Safety exam. I borrowed a copy of this book to quiz my knowledge on the subject. I plan on buying a copy to keep for myself. I not only strenghtened the knowledge I already had, but I also learned facts that I wasn't aware of. This book is detailed and extremely easy to use. The answers are given with an explaination. Any one that is studying for a test or anyone that just wants to keep sharp on a subject will benefit from this book.