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Essentials of Dental Caries: the Disease and Its Management

Editorial Reviews

Book Description
This clearly written and fully illustrated guide describes the causes of dental caries ("dental decay") and its progression through the tooth. Its emphasis is on prevention as well as early diagnosis so that decay can be arrested in its early stages. In addition, the book discusses the causes of the decay process in enamel and dentine, diet and plaque control, the use of fluoride and fissure sealants, and the properties of restorative materials. Since patient cooperation is vital to prevention, a chapter has been devoted exclusively to methods of teaching patients their essential role in caries control. The book covers methods of prevention from both a scientific and practical point of view so that it is relevant to dental students as well as dentists, dental nurses, hygienists and therapists. This second edition has been fully revised and updated to include the latest research and techniques of clinical practice.

Book Info
2nd, 1997, Oxford University Press. University of London, U.K. Introductory guide to the prevention and treatment of dental caries for undergraduate dental students, dental therapists, and hygienists. Considers the scientific rational behind clinical procedures.

Customer Reviews

3 out of 5 stars This is a well written book but lacks in problem-solving, December 28, 1998

  Reviewer: Mike Mummert from Parsippany, NJ

The Essentials of Dental Caries describes current opinion on dental caries. It covers caries in enamel and dentine; the effect of saliva, diet, and flouride supplemention on caries; prevention of caries by plaque control and patient motivation; and diagnosis and management of caries. However, this is a specialty book which should be more focused on problem solving. It is lacking a description of the techniques used to develop the above knowledge, and what the future directions of research and public health initiatives are.