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Student Workbook

New to This Edition

    • Brief case scenarios with accompanying questions challenge you to apply key clinical concepts and prepare you for real world practice.
    • Competency skills checklists are provided for all procedures new to the textbook, including use of the caries detection device, applying fluoride varnish, taking a patient's pulse oximetry and ECG, performing intraoral and extraoral photography, and performing radiography with digital sensors and phosphor storage plates.
    • Patient form activities offer valuable practice filling out blank patient forms that are essential to today's dental office.

Key Features

    • Comprehensive practice exercises for each chapter (short answer, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice questions and labeling exercises) help you master key terminology and important concepts.
    • A multimedia review section refers you to relevant procedure videos on the text's Multimedia Procedures DVD to visually reinforce your understanding of chapter content.
    • Patient case exercises section directs you to patient information on the companion Evolve website's Interactive Dental Office, including related medical and dental histories, radiographs, and charting information to will help you answer questions that reinforce chapter content and help you develop clinical decision-making skills.
    • Competency skill sheets provide clear guidelines for each skill and help you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in performing procedural skills. Pages are also perforated so that you can remove individual skill sheets and take them with you.
    • Tear-out flashcards summarize key information about the sciences, medical emergencies, infection control, radiography, dental materials, dental instruments, and dental procedures for convenient, portable review of key information necessary to prepare for examinations.

Student Workbook for Modern Dental Assisting

10 th Edition

By Doni L. Bird, CDA, RDH, MA, Director of Allied Dental Education, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA and Debbie S. Robinson, CDA, MS, Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

PART 1 The Dental Assisting Profession

1 History of Dentistry

2 The Professional Dental Assistant

3 The Dental Healthcare Team

4 Dental Ethics

5 Dentistry and the Law

PART 2 Sciences in Dentistry

6 General Anatomy

7 General Physiology

8 Oral Embryology and Histology

9 Head and Neck Anatomy

10 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity

11 Overview of the Dentitions

12 Tooth Morphology

PART 3 Oral Health and Prevention of Dental Disease

13 Dental Caries

14 Periodontal Disease

15 Preventive Dentistry

16 Nutrition

17 Oral Pathology

PART 4 Infection Prevention in Dentistry

18 Microbiology

19 Disease Transmission and Infection Prevention

20 Principles and Techniques of Disinfection

21 Principles and Techniques of Instrument Processing and Sterilization

PART 5 Occupational Health and Safety

22 Regulatory and Advisory Agencies

23 Chemical and Waste Management

24 Dental Unit Waterlines

25 Ergonomics

PART 6 Patient Information and Assessment

26 The Patient Record

27 Vital Signs

28 Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

29 The Special Needs and Medically Compromised Patient

30 Principles of Pharmacology

31 Assisting in a Medical Emergency

PART 7 Foundation of Clinical Dentistry

32 The Dental Office

33 Delivering Dental Care

34 Dental Hand Instruments

35 Dental Handpieces and Accessories

36 Moisture Control

37 Anesthesia and Pain Control

PART 8 Dental Radiography

38 Foundations of Radiography, Radiographic Equipment, and Radiation Safety

39 Digital Imaging, Dental Film, and Processing Radiographs

40 Legal Issues, Quality Assurance, and Infection Control

41 Intraoral Imaging

42 Extraoral Imaging

PART 9 Dental Materials

43 Restorative and Esthetic Dental Materials

44 Dental Liners, Bases, and Bonding Systems

45 Dental Cements

46 Impression Materials

47 Laboratory Materials and Procedures

PART 10 Assisting in Comprehensive Dental Care

48 General Dentistry

49 Matrix Systems for Restorative Dentistry

50 Fixed Prosthodontics

51 Provisional Coverage

52 Removable Prosthodontics

53 Dental Implants

54 Endodontics

55 Periodontics

56 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

57 Pediatric Dentistry

58 Coronal Polishing

59 Dental Sealants

60 Orthodontics

PART 11 Dental Administration and Communication Skills

61 Communication in the Dental Office

62 Business Operating Systems

63 Financial Management in the Dental Office

64 Marketing Your Skills