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Complete Dental Bleaching

All Customer Reviews

The most up-to-date information about bleaching teeth, December 3, 1996
Reviewer: A reader from Atlanta, Georgia USA

This book can be of immense help to both dentists and consumers alike in learning how to eliminate stains from teeth as well as just lightening the color of the teeth. There are chapters on both vital, or living teeth as well as the non-vital. For dentists, there are detailed step-by-step techniques backed by extensive research. These chapters are authored by some of the world's leading dental authorities. In summary, everyone can have lighter, whiter, teeth.....this book shows both dentists and patients just how easily and safe the techniques can be.


Learn from the experts about the role of bleaching in restorative, orthodontic, periodontal, and esthetic dentistry; determine what role it might play in your practice. This book addresses patient selection, diagnosis, treatment planning, sequencing of treatment, and patient expectations. It relates the various bleaching methods in detail, including in-office, home, matrix, nonvital, and combination bleaching. Included is a section on the chemistry of bleaching and an index of^techniques, materials, and products.

ISBN: 0-86715-290-7

Table of Contents:
1. Bleaching: A New Role for Restorative Dentistry
2. The Chemistry of Bleaching
3. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
4. In-Office Bleaching of Vital Teeth
5. Nightguard Vital Bleaching
6. Bleaching Pulpless Teeth
7. Total Team Care in Combination Bleaching

176pp: 202 illus (150 in color)