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Smile Design: A Guide for Clinician, Ceramist, and Patient

Section One: Tinted Shades
Section Two: Moderate Shades
Section Three: Natural Shades
Section Four: High Shades
Section Five: Maximum Shades

Successful collaboration between the patient, clinician, and dental ceramist is a key factor in the esthetic outcome of treatment. This team approach is a process in which the clinician must first understand each patient’s individual desires and then successfully communicate them to the dental ceramist. It is our hope that this book will be a useful communication tool for these partners in esthetic treatment—the patient, the dental team, and the ceramist—by presenting the many nuances of shading and esthetic composition and arrangement that we have experienced during our many years of long-distance collaboration. To that effect, this book will serve three specific objectives:

1. A visual guide to show the patient:
•The types of restorative treatment available
•The type of tooth reduction indicated for esthetic treatment
•The type of preview possible prior to esthetic treatment

2. A communication guide for the clinician to:
•Demonstrate the possible therapeutic approaches, from the single
restoration to the extensive interdisciplinary treatment
•Explain the various arrangement and shade possibilities available
•Determine the patient’s esthetic preference: a natural smile, a perfect
smile, or an intermediate natural and youthful smile

3. A visual base and communication guide for the dental ceramist with regard to:
•The desired smile arrangement and composition
•The desired tooth shape and character (delicate, strong, or intermediate)
•The desired nuances of shading and incisal effects

About the authors:
Gerard J. Chiche, DDS
Helmer Professor and Chairman
Department of Prosthodontics
School of Dentistry
Louisiana State University
New Orleans, Louisiana

Hitoshi Aoshima, RDT
Perla Aoshima Dental Laboratory
Tokyo, Japan
Special Lecturer
Department of Prosthodontics
School of Dentistry
Louisiana State University
New Orleans, Louisiana