Increasing Service
Potential by Multiple Patient Scheduling by Gordon J.
Christensen, D.D.S. Item #106-V30 $120.00 from Practical Clinical
Courses Free shipping! SOLD OUT
The true TEAM approach. Assured to increase
your practice productivity. Many dentists peak out their service potential
at a time of their optimum ability and physical stamina. This occurs
because they limit the size of their clinical facility, the delegation of
functions to auxiliaries, and the interdigitation of their patient
schedule. Included in this presentation are: determining your service
potential desires; development of an adequate physical facility; training
auxiliaries; the ideal scheduling person, treatment coordination, and
controlling your practice.
Radio Success
Package by Chris Kammer, D.D.S. Item #101-1003 $189.00 from The Advertising
Dentist SOLD OUT
This audio tape features advertising expert
Dr. Chris Kammer who tells you how to succeed in radio advertising and
provides 25 sample ads. Included are two booklets, scripts for the ads,
and a permission form to use the ads in your market.
Slam-Dunk Success in Dental
Advertising by Chris Kammer, D.D.S.;
Daniel Bobrow, John Christensen, Daniel King, Howie Horrocks, Marcia
Lambert, and Julian Holmes Item
$499 from The Advertising Dentist America's Dental Bookstore clearance price: $229.95. Free
This video series features 10 hours of the
best in dental advertising and marketing, public relations, internet use,
maximizing the media and many more proven ways of stimulating growth in
your practice!
The Slam Dunk Success in Dental Advertising
features the following experts:
John R. Christensen, M.S., founder
of Chrisad, America's oldest & largest dental-only marketing
agency. Daniel R. King, Attorney, "Legal Rights in
Advertising." Daniel A. Bobrow, President and co-founder of American
Dental Company, known for his "State of the Art in Dental Marketing"
concepts. Howie Horrocks, Author of "Unlimited New
Patients." Christian S. Kammer, DDS, Editor of "The Advertising
Dentist" newsletter, the most experienced advertising dentist in the
country. Marcia Lambert, Director of CustomCare, "Success Without
Selling." Dr. Julian Holmes from England
Click Here to buy this video series from Mapletree
Publishing Company.
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