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Science and Art of Dental Ceramics

Customer Review:

4 out of 5 stars Science and Art of Dental Ceramics Vol. II, March 31, 2000
  Reviewer: A reader from Texas

I would heartily recommend this book to all dental ceramics and prosthodontics students and researchers. It includes step-by-step procedures for tooth preparation and fabrication of ceramic prostheses with color pictures. If you can find a copy, I would also recommend reading volume I, which explores dental ceramic processing and properties on a technical materials science level.

Table of Contents:
1. Reproducing Natural Teeth in Dental Porcelain
2. Construction of Porcelain Veneer Crowns
3. The Complete Porcelain Veneer Crown
4. The Cast Metal-Ceramic Crown(Design)
5. Cast Metal-Ceramic Crown(Construction)
6. Special Effects in Dental Porcelain
7. Construction of Metal-Ceramic Bridgework
8. Precision Attachments for Metal-Ceramics
9. Building Occlusion in Dental Porcelain
10. Alumina Reinforced Ceramics Special Applications

512pp: 820 illus (680 in color)