Master Dentistry - Two Volume Package, 2nd Edition
Author Information
By Paul Coulthard, BDS, MFGDP, MDS, FDSRCS, PhD, Professor of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, The University of Manchester; Honorary
Consultant, Central Manchester and Manchester Children's University
Hospitals NHS Trust, UK; Peter Heasman, BDS, MDS, FDSRCPS, DRDRCS, PhD,
Professor of Periodontology, School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle
University, UK; Keith Horner, BChD, MSc, PhD, FDSRCPS, FRCR, DDR,
Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging, The University of
Manchester; Honorary Consultant, Central Manchester and Manchester
Children's University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK; Philip Sloan, BDS, PhD,
FRCPath, FRSRCS, Consultant Histopathologist, Royal Victoria Infirmary,
Newcastle upon Tyne; Honorary Professor, School of Dental Sciences,
Newcastle University, UK; and Elizabeth D. Theaker, BDS, BSc, MSc, MPhil,
Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow in Oral Medicine, and Senior Tutor for
Undergraduate Dental Studies, The University of Manchester, UK.
Key Features
Quick reference revision aid for dental students –ideal for exam
Integrates specialist areas of knowledge to enhance skills in clinical
problem solving
Evidence-based approach enables understanding of the strength of the
evidence supporting current practice
Includes extensive self-testing material – short answers, essays, MCQs
and EMQs – enabling students to assess their knowledge and perfect exam
Suitable for post-graduate students who will find the book useful for
the MJDF or international equivalent
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